Wedding Cookies

The day has finally arrived! Here is the final product for my brother’s wedding. I made 70 cookies individually packed and ready to travel more than 2,500 miles. This has been the most amazing wedding ever! Among love poems, promise vows, hugs, love songs, kisses, and tears, there were my cookies. Cookies inspired by their love. Cookies baked by ME with love. Thanks to this couple and their profound desire to share their lives, I started this hobby. The same way they said, “God put us together,” I want to believe that God also provided me with an aptitude I didn’t know I had. May God bless my brother and his wife! I Hope to also be a blessing to others through this new journey in my life.Wedding CookiesMonica & HaroldIMG_3292



  1. Spring Tomorrow · April 6, 2015

    very pretty cookies!


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